Quintessential Fall

So, almost everyone in Spokane knows that trips to Greenbluff are synonmous with fall. Harvest season in the northwest is particularly delightful, on those not so rare- sunshiny autumn days. Luckily it was a little overcast when we went, otherwise I feel that the line to the pumkin doughnuts would have been beyond ridiculously long. The boys loved riding in the apple wagon. Titus, bless his heart, could tell you that they are much heavier to pull than they look.
Judah, was actually smiling gleefully when we put him in here, but as the law of parental picture taking goes, this was not every successfully captured on film (or pixels or whatever we have now).

Unlike his cautious brother, Judah did not listen to the captain when he said to remain seated at all times. This recklessness led to a brief and painful meeting of baby chin on green metal, as you see here. (let this be a warning to all you reckless wee ones ;) )

Okay, here is Judah in the pumkin patch, which I am obviously displaying so you can see how cute my blonde boy is in his plaid shirt ;)

This is Joe's attemt at a hug for the camera.

What a dad:

Overall, Joe was so thrilled with the pumkins that he was unable to keep from leaping and shouting even long enough for a photo op.

Like I said, quintessential fall. It's a good snuggly season full of traditions and fluffy blankets, a romantic's delight ;)


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