Ecomomic times hit the Hug house

This is how the current economy is effecting the Hug household. I know, it's bad, 2 televisions. Actually to be honest the ecomony has nothing to do with it, our personal, Hug Construction business has been great (thank you Jesus!) It is actually our (mostly my) cheapness that keeps us from having one tv.

We got this nifty new tv from Josh in partial trade for work Titus did on his bathroom. It is fabulous for watching dvds, but doesn't pick up tv reception worth anything. Titus bought a fancy new antenna (you can see on top) to replace our rabit ears. He figured we should upgrade our reception to match our tv, but to no avail, we still dont get much on the fancy tv. So, unless (Titus would say until) we are willing to fork over the at least $20 extra every month, we have a lower tv for tv and a greater upper tv for movies ;0). Like I said, these are the tough economical times we live in. I should add, that if Obama gets elected and our Bush tax cuts expire, we may have to continue our life with two tvs and no cable. (sorry Titus)


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