10 Reasons My Husband is Great

This morning the preacher shared a really good message about honor. He was saying how it is easy to become familiar with those close to us and cease to honor them. Thinking of this inspired me to consider a top ten list of things that I appreciate about my husband.

1) He is the most encouraging person I know.  He looks at the bright side, he sees the good in people, mostly in me :)

2) He is kind in his words and his actions. I have been known to share a snippy word a time or two. My husband's words to me are invariably gentle and uplifting.

3) He is one of the hardest working people I know. He is not lazy, he gets up early, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty.

4) He is a marvelous dad. He loves his kids, he invests time into them, he shows them a good example of what it means to be a man.

5) He is not afraid. He bashes fear when he encounters it. He does not allow it to exist in our home. He calls me to a higher place of belief and trust in God.

6) He likes to help people. He is good neighbor, a good son, a good friend.

7) He is faithful. He is a man of his word and he is honorable. He does what he says he will. (except when it's something to do with laundry, whereby he seems to have a forgetter switch that flips on and he can walk up and down stairways, over tops of laundry baskets that need to be carried and not even see them. But no one is perfect)

8) He is a fun guy. He likes to hang out with me and makes a wonderful best friend. His interests are varied so he can be happy drinking beer and eating wings or going out to a flu-flu dinner of things we can't pronounce. He embraces all new Bruce Willis movies and willfully snuggles up to watch Downton Abby with me and rub my feet. He is a good man.

9) He cares about me, values my input and listens to what I think. He makes me feel important.

10) He has a wonderful sense of humor. He loves to laugh, he appreciates the ridiculous in life, and he makes me laugh. He does not take himself too seriously.

In short, I think my husband is pretty great. It's just a good exercise to think on why. I encourage you to do the same. Be grateful for the people God has put in your life. People are the best of God's creation. We are so blessed to have each other.


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