
The smell in the air lingers from a delicious dinner of homemade chili and cake-like cornbread. The house, which has already been tidied and vacuumed once today shows no signs that anyone has attempted to clean it. I am sitting here filled with restrained excitement.

I had been thinking of writing a blog about contentment for a few days. I was driving my minivan and wishing I had a storage spot to put something. We have an economy vehicle and it doesn't have nearly as many storage spaces as some fancier rigs. I then started to imagine a newer minivan with an up to date sound system. In my minds eye, I could see it's leather seats, shiny smooth paint job and spotless interior complete with a cubby for my sunglass to rest in. Then I had a profound thought. It would not make me any happier.  I could have that van, a cook and housekeeper, a vacation home and a yacht and it would not do a thing to change my joy level.

Happiness, much like love, is a decision. I think there are a few basic things that it would be hard to be happy without, but beyond that everything else is just frosting. The funny thing is, while I was meditating upon these things over the past week Titus and I saw a home that we have admired for years had come on the market. By the time we noticed it though, it was already contingent, meaning it had an accepted offer. We went to look at the house and loved almost everything about it, but we were too late. I was going to write about this in my blog, as another example. I am just as happy in this home as I would be in a bigger one.

When Titus and I went to look the house we said a quick prayer asking that if we were supposed to have that house that the potential buyers would not like their inspection and back out. Well, we just heard today that is exactly what happened. Hmm.

We don't know yet if we will be able to get this house (so I will spare you from all it's wonderful details) but have put it in God's hands. If he wants to bless us with a fabulous home, then we will receive the blessing :)

My point is that, well, I'm not sure. My point was that we should seek fulfillment in all God has already given us, not worry about having more. But God may expand on my point by adding that if we are grateful for what we have, he may just give us more.


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