A change in plans.

Children are good at reducing life back to it's basest elements. One sad reality this brings me to is that fact that I have not matured much past my toddler. Oh, usually I don't throw visible tantrums on the floor, but still, when I don't get my way I get pretty upset. I guess I've a ways to go yet on the maturity scale. Today in a rare moment, I actually got ready. I got up early to apply makeup, a skirt, even heels! This is quite an achievement, (If you know me, you know I rarely deviate from my sweatpants while 7 months pregnant). You see today is that special day, our once a month MOPS meeting. We get to leave our children for 2 glorious hours, fellowship with other moms with no kids interrupting, eat a marvelous breakfast buffet, drink coffee, hear inspiring teaching and do a craft (and one that doesn't involve finger painting, to boot!). In addition to this lovely escape from the children my husband had mentioned he was free during lunch hour to take us Costco shopping. Now that I am large I prefer to have assistance when wielding the children through the mega-mart, filling my cart with foods of superhuman proportions. If Titus comes along we enjoy high class dining together complete with soda! I don't know how glamorous your life is, but in our house, this constitutes as a lunch date. Two such thrilling events in one day was certainly cause for a little mascara. Alas, my cute outfit was in vain. When we arrived at MOPS Judah threw a fit and wouldn't go into childcare. I gave him the choice to go in or go home and go to bed. His lack of willingness to choose was evidenced by his flailing on the floor. I then realized he had a bit of runny nose and maybe he didn't feel so well, so I chose for us. Home to bed for him. Home with no breakfast, coffee, friends, or fellowship for me. On my way home I called my husband. He had a crappy morning dealing with a current set of problem customers. He was going to be busy all day trying to make them happy. No romantic Costco getaway for us today. So here I am at home, playing with the kids, need to clean the house, pay some bills. My skirt is kind of constricting and these shoes aren't as comfy as my slippers. The only person I will see is the mailman, and he's already come and gone. This is why I usually just stick to the sweatpants. Back to my original point. I didn't get my way today. I started to have a pity party for myself. Poor me. With all the great suffering in the world, I am upset because I had to go home early. Rough life, hu? Haha, I just have to talk to Jesus, remember his grace for me even when I have a bad attitude too easily. He is more patient with me than I am with my children. I am so thankful for that. Perhaps I will be like the woman I was judging yesterday for looking too beautiful in the park. She was dressed like she stepped out of a maternity magazine, her fashionable scarf blowing in the spring wind. I thought, what the heck does she looks so cute for! Why would any pregnant woman dress so finely for the park? It could be me. Nah, I'll just head for my stretchy pants instead. It is my opinion that bark chips and heels just don't mix. But that's just me.


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