This week in pregnancy.

29 weeks 5 days

I was greatly comforted to visit my doctor today and have him check everything and tell me we are okay. As silly as it may sound, this small reassurance has convinced me that life can continue again.

I would tell you that I have been taking it easy. My husband says I have been living the life of an "invalid". So I tried to go to bed at 7 last night (I couldn't actually fall asleep even though I was SO tired). So I had given up on cooking, cleaning, or any activity that involved bodily movement. So I had taken out all the BBC Jane Austen movies from the library as well as caught up on all the book club reading. Does that make me an invalid? Okay, I see his point.

The problem was that last week I was having so many pains in my lower abdomen. Then there were 2 nights that they felt more like regular contractions, coming in painful intervals whatever I did. I drank water and went to bed and the contraction type pains were gone in the morning, but still I think it scared me.

The reality is that my body is getting stretched out and things just feel different after more pregnancies. I sort of knew that, but I was still nervous about feeling so much discomfort. Now that I have been approved by the doctor I have decided to resume a vertical position for a portion of each day. I will again wash my dishes, clean the floors and maybe I'll go crazy and go for a walk.


Swannee said…
Glad you were reassured, and I'm praying for you to feel fabulous. May you be filled with health and happiness, and may the hormones work with you, not against you. May you learn the lessons you are supposed to learn through all these experiences. Love & Hugs, Swannee

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