Bank of Mom

I am the bank of Mom. Banking overhead is low. Materials needed to run my bank are merely an official black ledger purchased on Amazon, the fiduciary trust of my depositors, and whatever writing implement I can find. When my son mows the lawn, for example, he goes over to the ledger and writes in the job, date and dollar  he has just earned. This money is then credited to his account, even though he never even sees it. The interest rates are competive with the larger financial institutions, they have been holding steady at 0% but may see an increase in the future.

This system is mildly concerning in the case of one particularly hard-working son of mine. Last time I checked his balance I nearly passed out. I told him to let me know if it gets too high. Otherwise I might have to take out a mortgage to pay him back before he goes off to college.

The kids are always happier to do a job if they get something credited to their account. Lawn mowing money is a nice credit to receive but it's nothing in comparison to what God's gift  mentioned in Romans. It says that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness, before he had done any work.


I'm not a psalmist, so I guess that means I can't go throwing that word into random paragraphs, but seriously. I want to pause and think calmly on that. God credits us with righteousness? That's a pretty awesome credit. Move over Publisher's Clearning House, you want to give me something I couldn't earn in a lifetime, lets talk about God's righteousness.

This is the incomprehensible gift of the Kingdom. We can have our accounts credited based on our faith. That means we don't even have to do anything to secure our value. This is a good word for anyone who is overwhelmed, up to their eyeballs in tasks that they are failing at doing. In Romans 4 it talks about Abraham's faith and eventually says:

"The words :"it was credited to him" were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness- for us who believe in him, who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead."Romans 4:24

If you are feeling poor today, rejoice! Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven! All we have to do is recognize who he is, and a bank account in heaven is opened up in our name. That's one with even better deals than the bank of Mom.


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