Busy Mama, we gotta talk.

Perhaps one of the most frustrating things about motherhood is how easy we can fall into believing lies. The continually missing single shoe, the inability of anyone to put dirty socks into the hamper,  the way it is never safe to sit on the toilet seat without a visual inspection first, these things are annoying, it's true. But nothing is quite as insidious, as depressing and downright debilitating as falling into the trap of believing lies about your life.

That's why I'm here to tell you truth.

You are freaking awesome. First of all, you have taken on the responsibility to care for a human, one of the weaklings, who doesn't contribute much. They are super-needy. They do little, if anything, to advance the GDP. And yet, you have said, "Wait! I'll put my needs, my priorities, my body and my desires all on hold to invest myself into these tremendously needy people." Frankly, they don't even seem to appreciate the sacrifice. Having children is one of the great selfless acts.

The crazy thing about this is that I run into freaking awesome moms every day who feel like they are doing a terrible job. (my husband says this has even happened to him at our house - imagine!) There is a reason for that. Sometimes we forget to think spiritually, but we can't afford to. The Bible says that our enemy the devil prowls around seeking who he may devour. It says that our enemy is the accuser of the brethren. Our enemy is prowling around to see whom of us he can destroy with accusation.

Are you a Christ follower who is feeling accused? That is NOT from Him. Jesus came that we might have life more abundantly, that we might be slaves to righteousness. Slaves!!!! That means that try as we might, we can't get free from the incredible riches of Jesus's work at Calvary. He's got me. He's got you. He's got our kids.

It is so essential that we recognize when we are believing hopeless lies. I have found it really helpful to declare truth over myself and my family every day. I ask God for it, ask friends for it, search the scriptures in search of it. I want to leave you with a little affirmation you can declare (out loud) over yourself today.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away and He has made all things new. Today is filled with his new mercies, He hems me in before and behind. I rest under the feathers of his protecting wings. God has made me to bring hope to hopeless situations. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Laundry mountains, toddler (or teenage) attitudes, entire houses in disarray - they are no match for the sweet overflowing joy of Jesus in my life. When I feel overwhelmed, I remember that I am seated with Christ in heavenly places and He sits in the heavens and laughs. God's word says that He has given me his peace, so I take anxious thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. God has made me to shine. I am a reflection of his glory. The circumstances that surround me are no match for the hope that is within me. There is a river of life flowing out of me that continually increases my hope, joy and love. God loves my kid(s) more than I do and he is faithfully watching over them to accomplish his good work in their life. I am radically loved by Jesus and there is nothing I can do to change that.


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