A Christmas Party

I don't know about you, but I waste a considerable amount of time feeling like an idiot. I know it is silliness because my husband has told me so on numerous occasions, but still I struggle. I know this is just part of the sin nature that God has overcome in me. I look forward to the day when it will completely vanquished.

In the meantime, the Lord seems faithful to provide opportunities for me. I think these are opportunities to be transformed from glory to glory, but sometimes they feel more like getting an ingrown toenail removed.

In the process of these stretching times I am grateful for the example of the old testament prophets. Now I may get the details wrong, but I was reading along the other day and I came across a passage of scripture that said something like, "and then Isaiah wandered naked for three years". It was casually slipped in there amongst all the other prophetic things God had told Isaiah to do. I'm sure that three years can't have seemed insignificant to him at the time. Can you imagine? Then again he was a man, I know men seem to feel pretty comfortable in the buff. But still, it can't have been without it's trials.

What God asked me to do was much easier than going without clothing for three years. (Thank heaven!) It was simple, really. Have a Christmas party for my neighbors. But after I went door to door to deliver the invites I felt so ridiculous, like a school girl trying unsuccessfully to sell cookies. I seriously had to spend the entire rest of the evening trying to overcome my self conscious feelings. My wise husband smiled in glee at my suffering. It always seems much more enjoyable to watch the flesh die in the life of one's spouse. (Okay, he wasn't that bad. He told me that it was so good for me and to get over it).

Well we made it to the night of the big event. Two neighbors came, plus Uncle Dean, who is technically a neighbor. However he is also a relative and a single man with rare exposure to quality homemade food, so I'm not sure if we can count him.
Anyhow, my point is this; the scripture tells us that he who is faithful in little is faithful in much. (Lk 16:10) I know that it matters to God when I respond to the little things he tells me to do. Maybe someday I will even stop wasting my time sitting around feeling stupid about those things. Then I will have a lot more time to throw parties for people who will actually come :)
P.S. Side benefit is my house looks like the above picture - Christmassy and clean (any one who has stopped by to visit knows how rare that is)


Levi said…
What a courageous and vulnerable thing for you to do Elizabeth! Sorry to hear more people didn't show up.. This post brought sniffles to my eyes. Keep spreading the LOVE.

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