White Christmas?

It was not the kind of white Christmas I was hoping for. (I have had to fortify myself with eggnogged coffee to find the strength to share.)

It is the biggest mess that I believe has ever occurred in the name of good clean fun. The children, bless their dear little souls, were playing quietly on the main floor. I know I should have been alarmed by this, and to be honest my mom radar was suspect of the heightened silence in the house. I knew Titus had just left for work, so I thought the boys would be okay playing for a few minutes. I must have been upstairs for 10 minutes gathering the laundry, making beds, ect. It was 10 minutes too long.

While I was finishing the last of my tidying upstairs, I heard Judah crying and told him to come upstairs. When he arrived upstairs I came out in the landing and saw what appeared to be a drowned rat. Upon closer inspection I saw that he was drenched head to toe and was covered in mysterious white blobs.

I came down to the bathroom to investigate, where I found Joe, also drenched head to toe and playing in the sink. The frivolity that I imagine filled his face moments before was no longer there, he looked somber, for the first time aware that there might be a price to pay for his actions.

As I looked around I nearly went into shock, there was water, so much water, everywhere - drenching the floor, overflowing the sink. Then there was the whiteness. As my eyes landed on the empty bag of cotton balls, comprehension sunk in. My bathroom had basically been flocked.

I couldn't handle going back in to asses the disaster until Titus came home to bear witness to it's magnitude. Even now I shutter to think of what is awaiting me in the bathroom. It has been sitting for hours. I keep hoping the cotton will regather itself in to some kind of monumental snow man, but no luck so far.

When I did go in to do the first phase of cleanup I found stuffed into my pedestal sink 3 bath towels, 3 hand towels, 3 washcloths, a sippy cup, a plastic cup, one coaster, innumerable wads of cotton pervading every orifice and finally, at the bottom, 3 unwrapped condoms that had apparently been found in the recesses of the cabinet hidden behind the cotton balls. All of this was covered with water along with the rest of the bathroom floor. Heaven help us.

In addition to that there is cotton plastered on all the corners of the walls up to about 5 feet. When I went to clean the rugs I couldn't tell how bad they were because they are white and fluffy. When I held them up it was like a cotton harvest. Everytime I ran my hand over them more blobs of wet cotton would fall onto the floor.
I don't know what those boys did or how they accomplished it so quickly. I'm sure it would be entertaining to watch if it had been caught on video.

I know that there is a time when I will laugh at this, but it is not now. Now I have to finish my coffee and hope it gives me enough courage for the job at hand.


Swannee said…
Wow! I'm impressed with the boys' skills. I'm also proud of you for taking a picture & blogging. You will laugh about it sooner or later. :)
Elizabeth said…
Thanks, Swannee. Actually I was just taking a pic and blogging to delay cleaning up. (our dryer was down yesterday too ;) )
Levi said…
I'm laughing now if it helps any :)
Elizabeth said…
That does help, Levi. I am actually laughing now myself. I cannot completely blame the boys when I knew they were being silent and I couldn't see them - always a reason to be suspicious :)

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