10 Signs that you may be nearing the end of your pregnancy

Signs that you may be nearing the end of your pregnancy:

1) You have been wearing the same clothes for a week or more and do not care.

2) Your face looks like you have been injected with some sort of saline puffifier.

3) You have limited your activities to walking, driving on bumpy roads, having sex, eating spicy food and looking for natural induction methods on the Internet.

4) You are exhausted all day yet when it is time for bed spend most of your time rearranging yourself in the pillows, popping tums to keep the heartburn at bay, and getting up to pee.

5)Your middle section looks like something that should be published in a science journal under "Natural Phenomena". You wonder if it can get any larger without tearing skin.

6) You vacillate from one day cleaning the entire house, including washing walls and doing laundry and getting the baby stuff ready, to the next day considering that it may not be possible to do anything more than roll over in bed (and even that seems like a daunting task).

7) You have given up on all your health goals, carnivorously devouring red meat, unabashedly seeking out donuts, and longing for cookies and whole milk at midnight. Indeed, at this point getting any larger seems humanly impossible, so what could be the harm?

8) You feel that you may not be able to go on any longer, that you just cannot remain pregnant for another moment, and yet somehow you do. After all, you remember you did think you couldn't make it yesterday, and miraculously here you are again today. One day at a time. Baby steps to the finish line.

9) Your body parts have stopped responding to your brain, perhaps they have begun to take orders from the small being within you. Speaking is troublesome, all the words you think of are not the ones that come out. Your limbs start to miss the things that you are aiming for. For example your feet, when you are trying to get them to walk on the ground may mysteriously try to land on the air sending you stumbling across the Costco parking lot. And sneezing, I won't even talk about sneezing.

10) You are really excited to meet your new little person and cannot get your mind off their fuzzy little head, cute baby toes and new baby smell. Passerbyers may even hear you chanting, "Ok baby, we want to meet you. It's time to come out now." The real question is, when will the baby listen?


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