35 Weeks and Counting

Well, I have made it past the 35 week mark so I have been freely hoisting things, eating spicy food and exercising to my hearts content. (My heart is content with a very small morsel of excercise).

The random contractions last Monday night were just attributed to overdoing it/ not drinking enough water. I thought they might be Braxton Hicks that would stick around, but they haven't. Nary a night time episode since last week. Thank God! And thank you all for your prayers. :)

I have now switched to twice a week Dr. visits with ultrasound and the baby looks to be doing great. My doctor did just reveal that he will be leaving on vacation in a few weeks! What business doctors think they have going on vacation, I don't know, but in any case, I think it will be okay. He had mentioned wanting to induce me at 38 weeks, which would be June 2nd, but he will be gone until the 6th, so the plan is to induce when he gets back if baby hasn't arrived yet by then.

The way DR explained the reason to induce was that at 38 weeks our baby will be healthy and that getting the baby out represents no risk to the baby (apart from the induction process itself, which I understand does have some risk, but minimal, considering I will be ready to go by then physically). Whereas, leaving the baby in does carry with it more risk considering we don't know exactly what happened last time. Basically, why risk it? If the baby is healthy and doesn't receive any benefit from cooking in there longer, we might as well get it out :)

I would still rather let the baby come on it's own, but the DR's logic makes sense to me. Plus, like Titus said, last time Isabelle was perfectly fine at 37 week ultrasound and then next week had died. Not that we are afraid, but from a practical point of view it is something we think about. We feel very peaceful about our current plan.

I have a feeling the baby will come on it's own before we get induced, but that is just a feeling, so who knows :) I will be drinking my raspberry leaf tea, scouring walls, going on long walks, and doing everything I can think of that might encourage baby to emerge on it's own. Baby might just be a stinker and decide to come while the DR is on vacation. Who knows, then Titus could deliver it at home. He has lots of experience with goats births so I'm sure he would do fine ;0) (before I get any hysterical emails here-I should state that I am kidding, in case any of you dear readers are not in tune to my sense of humor)

As far as pregnancy symptoms go, nothing new. I'm still tired, very tired. I drop food on my belly at every meal, do a lot of incoherent mumbling, and have a puffy face. I have gained 3 pounds in the last week, which is more than I was hoping for. I was really hoping to stay under 200 lbs for this pregnancy, something I have never done before. I only have 4 pounds left of wiggle room with 4 weeks left to go. I might have to stop using ice cream as a heartburn remedy. Oh well. I'm having fun growing my baby. We are blessed.
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