Dreams and Aspirations of a 5 year old

I don't know of many 5 year olds who aspire to politics. But then again, Joe isn't your average 5 year old.

Tonight I asked him if he still wanted to be a scientist. He said no. I asked him what he wanted to be. I was surprised by the response, "A government." Then he corrected himself, "Who are the people who get to make decisions? Like in that movie." We had watched a snippet of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

"A Senator" I replied.

"Yes, I want to be a senator," affirmed Joe. I tried to explain to him some of the nuances of the job, and the fact that he would be representing the people and not necessarily be in charge. He seemed okay with that.

He explained his change in career goals to me"I wanted to be a cowboy in the West. Then I realized that was dangerous. I don't want to get dead." Personally, I'd stick to cowboy in the west, but I suppose either occupation takes a fair amount of guts.

He did admit to me that he was planning on remaining a cowboy until he becomes a man, at which point he will switch to government office. At least I should have my little buckaroo around for a few more years.

* Last week we got a care package from my mom in the mail. When Joe opened his card and present (likely from the dollar store) He exclaimed, "This is my dream come true!" We were surprised that a towel shaped like a ball was his dream come true, so we asked for an explanation. "I wanted to get a present when it wasn't my birthday or Christmas and now I did!"

Having children around offers such great perspective on life. I forgot to get toilet paper at Costco, so I went to the grocery store and bought the cheapest stuff they had. When Joe saw it on the toilet paper dispenser he was delighted. "Mom, this is so beautiful! It has FLOWERS on it!" And all this time I thought the expensive Charmin was superior. Little did I think to compare the loveliness of the embossing.


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