Judah Bee

Lately, Judah has had a baby. This is the first sign of domesticity that has been seen in the Hug boys. For awhile he carried "Baby" everywhere, even to the dirty sandbox. Now Baby just looks like one of the boys. Judah has been very attentive to keep Baby in his "nest" .

I don't know how kids do it. Judah played for hours in the closet during nap time. (yes, we sleep our children in the closet. Don't tell CPS) He turned on the light, then finally passed out with his legs collapsed under him. (You can't see it in the pic, but it looked really uncomfortable.)
I think everyone should have a Judah Bear, aka. Kookaburra. (I just looked up the definition and I like it, "A large bird of the kingfisher family with a loud call that sounds like laughter." Not such a bad nickname after all :) )

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