Today's News

Morning Tea

This morning I was pondering the age old question, "Can a pregnant woman have a cookie and tea for breakfast?" I decided the answer was yes. Fate said no. After two failed attempts to make tea (first the milk was spoiled, then the 1/2 and was bad, too!) I realized that my husband had taken the last of the cookies. I had to call to thank him for helping me be a healty.

Adventures in Homeschooling

I have been reading this book, The Well Trained Mind (which is written by the Wise family so you know it's gotta be good), which explains a 'classical education' in detail. I was getting very excited about the ideas in this book. Basically the fact that I can homeschool my kids and they can be geniuses (or something like that). I began to imagine the brilliance of my future children, well versed in Latin, the classics, writing and the finer points of logic. After all, Joe is aiming for senator so I will need to help him be prepared to get into a good college, right?

Then the authors shattered my hopes in one small paragraph. They explained that the basis to this method of schooling is discipline and routine. Poof, there went my dreams. If there are any things that I am gifted at in life they are not discipline and routine. Randomness and chaos? Sure, I'm an expert! But discipline and routine? Not so much.

So, I am either going to have to change the very core of my being, live a life of painful hypocrisy ending in inevitable educational failure (or female baldness), or have to find another way to get my children to be geniuses. Wish me luck.

Joe Dispenses Justice at McDonald's
Joe continues to surprise and delight us. Yesterday at McDonald's there was a 2 or 3 year old who was making a general disturbance. He was pushing big kids, yelling and saying the "s" word. (stupid for those of you without a 4 year old). The boys (mine and my sister's) were coming to me to complain. Someone suggested alerting the authorities (the boy's grandpa). Everyone was too chicken except, you guessed it, Sheriff Joe. He calmly went to the boy's grandfather and explained the various infractions, including the use of the "s" word. The boy received a firm talking to and there was peace again in the land.

36 Weeks 5 Days
I had a few minor BH last night, nothing exciting. I have to decided to go walking everyday, as that is one of the best natural methods recommended to bring on labor. It also helps me sleep. I will spare you details on any other natural induction methods we are using.

I am getting increasingly large and at the DR yesterday I found out that the baby is over 7 pounds now, so even s/he comes early it won't be too small. :) Everything is going well. I am thinking I may even need to get the bassinet out soon, and maybe buy some diapers.
Hard Times

I hate it but it's true. I am just like the Israelites. Stupid people, in captivity or wandering in the desert, they so easily turned from God if they weren't motivated by desperate need. I find that when I am having an especially challenging time that I run to my heavenly Father. Why does it take a difficult time for me to want to get lost in my bible, worship for hours, or just get caught up in his presence? I don't know.

The point of all this.... well, I don't know if there is one, apart from the fact that God is good. He is an ever present refuge in times of need. He is faithful. He is the rock in the midst of every storm. Maybe it is just times of struggle that make me realize the truth of who he is. His peace stands in such stark contrast to the anxiety of the world. The light of His promise stands so opposed to the darkness of despair and the lies of the enemy.


Tanya said…
I just love reading your posts! I am glad that you and the baby are healthy (despite the discomfort you are experiencing) and what a bummer about breakfast. Tea and cookies is the breakfast of champions (or pregnant mommies as the case may be)!

As for the homeschooling. I, too, am in possession of that wonderful book which installed ideas of grandeur in my head. Then those ideas met reality and I was disappointed. It took a couple of years to figure out how I like to teach and how the children like to learn. I have followed some of the ideas in the book and completely ignored others. It can be completely overwhelming at first and what works this year may not work the next. This can be true of both schedules and curriculum. I think we have changed our "schedule" several times over the year before we figured out what worked well.
I guess what I am trying to say is feel free to experiment, keep what you like, ignore the rest, and try to enjoy it. It is hard not to feel overwhelmed with all of the information/curriculum/how to books out there. It is also easy to get frustrated by not completing everything to the last detail (I am a check-mark kind of girl).
I know you will be a wonderful teacher as you are already a wonderful mom :0)

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