30 Days of Fitness Day 4

Day 4 - ZUMBA with Evi. So much fun and very sweat inducing. I hadn't been to her class much and not at all for over a year, so I had no clue what I was doing. As I stood there trying to figure out how to shake my bootie properly, I realized that this was not a place I would naturally feel comfortable. In fact, there was a time when I was petrified to enter a zumba class of any kind. That just goes to show you how a person can change. Change is possible.
The main event today was not the workout, but what followed. When I went to claim my boys from childcare, there was a childcare worker coming to find me. Apparently Judah had hit Joe and pulled his hair. When the worker told him to go in time out he hit the worker. When the supervisor was brought in to deal with this unruly child, he hit her. As I found him, he was penned in the bathroom stall, like a wayward bull, the supervisor, standing guard in her flowing dress. She politely informed me that because of his behavior he would be banned from childcare until further notice.
I did what any self respecting mother would do, I calmly gathered my children and went to the car and cried.
Today's Thankful - That God's grace is sufficient for me, and that he continually provides opportunities for me to be humbled. The good part in that is that God gives grace to the humble. That's me. Humbled and full of grace. Thank you Jesus, you keep me running back to you!


Kaitlin said…
Oh dear. Children are so hard, but you are an amazing mother and so loving and compassionate. Someday you will look back on this and laugh... or at least not cry anymore. I wish I were there to babysit the boys while you went to the gym... :)

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