30 Days of fitness. Delinquent Post Days 9-15 :)

So I did my workouts, mostly.
Day 9 - TRX (with the bands hanging from the ceiling. Hurt my back, but hurt it because I threw it back into alignment, so overall not a bad thing.)
Day 10- Pi/Yo super hard, yet fun
Day 11- Zumba
Day 12 - Camping, so ran up a big dirty hill. Yuck and ouch.
Day 13 - Camping - not a success. First try - yoga by the lake. Obstacles : biting swarming bugs by swampy lake, dead mouse found (by Beth) next to face on the ground, teenage boy coming back from his fishing trip to the truck parked next to us (filled with dead floating fish). So we did two sun salutations and I was done. Second Try- swimming. Obstacles : Marshy lake, nasty seaweed. At least I tried. Twice.
Day 14 - Sunday, so day of rest. Did do a little walking/stroller pushing through the wilderness.
Day 15 - You guessed it more Zumba.
Which brings us to today, Day 16, I'm going to yoga tonight.
My main dilemma is that I like to eat. In fact it's one of the highlights of my life. This could be why half way through my 30 days I have lost maybe 2 pounds and no inches.
Since I firmly do not believe in dieting, I was trying to try an alternative method to help make these last 2 weeks more effective. I was deciding between giving up sugar (shoot me now please) or keeping a food journal. The problem with the whole food journal thing is that I barely have time to eat let alone write down what I eat. But my dear sis-in-law told me it really helped her with losing baby weight, so I think I'm going to give it a try. Wish me luck!
(and don't worry, I'm not posting it here for your enjoyment. However if your really want to see it you can stop by anytime to visit and check it out. Don't forget to bring me a coffee and scone....eerr, I mean some fresh veggies from your garden ;) )


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