30 Days of Fitness Days 6,7 & 8

Day 6- Family bike ride. The good news was we biked 6 miles which included a big hill. The bad news (health wise) is we biked to Maggie Moos :) It was still a major victory for me because I rode all the way up the hill (carrying Judah) and didn't have to stop to walk.
Thankful for : finally being able to go on a family bike ride again.
Day 7 - Sunday, so a day of rest :) We did stay active with a walk to the park and a little swimming at the lake.

Thankful for : A day at the lake, sunshine, and good friends.
Day 8 - Back to Zumba! Taking a zumba class is sort of like ice skating. Let me explain. Have you ever watched the ice skating during the Olympics, and criticized the weaker skaters, scoffing their mistakes? Then have you found yourself on a family outing, complete with hot cocoa, to the skating rink. Where you realize that landing a triple toe loop, is nothing short of miraculous. In fact, for the normal person it is a feat just to make it to the other side of the rink without falling. Suddenly you have new appreciation for the skaters.
So it is with Zumba. It was really easy to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" and critique every unpointed toe or offbeat bootie shake, but you actually try to do something even akin to dance your realize, "Wow, dancers make it look easy". So, I have a new appreciation for people who can actually dance. Meanwhile, I continue, undaunted by the skinny blonde who may have been laughing at my attempts to shimmy. I shall continue sweating, and providing fodder for anyone who may be looking for some reason to laugh ;)
Today's Thankful: That I have many other skills; I can read, type, comprehend, and enjoy life to the fullest, because clearly, I am not a dancer.


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