Asher Dasher
We're outnumbered now, the big people in our family, that is. I suppose if they (the little people) were planning to stage a coup they would have better odds.
When Asher was born, I thought he was a crabby kid. Turns out he was just a newborn. He is actually a delightful and happy little fellow (Lucky for me, since I named him Asher. Wouldn't do to have a grumpy kid with a name meaning "happy")
So, to get back to that question, I suppose the answer would depend on the day or the moment you were to ask. If you found me, as I often am, gazing into the adoring blue of eyes of a cooing baby, I would say life with three is a dream. If you found me in the laundry room cleaning up a floor full of wet dog food and water, I might say it was a challenge. If you found me administering correction to a suddenly middle child who seems to only be able to express his frusteration by throwing punches, I would say nothing in my life has so constantly had me begging God for wisdom.
If I had to choose only one word to describe my life as a mother of three children it would be this: Blessed.