- An opportunity to sow

We are excited about a project God is allowing us to be a part of which benefits an orphanage in Kenya that Titus has visited and we have supported through the years. We would like to invite you to join with us in this prophetic gift, sowing seed in Africa.

Weston and Violet Gitonga, African directors of “Heroes of the Nation,” http://www.htn.org are proven and trusted friends. They do a phenomenal job of loving and caring for over 500 eager, hopeful and happy children. Most are successful students who are graduating from high school and college and becoming leaders in their communities. Weston plans to plant 100-200 acres of wheat and use the profits to help support the orphanage. He estimates the investment to start this venture to be about $22,000 for 100 acres or $42,000 for 200 acres.

Titus and his brothers have committed to $15,000 so far and would like to give you the opportunity to partner with us. Our father, Kent Hug, has offered to travel to Kenya and document the impact of our investment. It will make a great difference in the lives of these young people for years to come.

If you are interested, please contact us at titushug@comcast.net or call. January is the season to plant wheat. Funds for renting land and buying seed are needed now. Other funds will be needed in January.

On the side of this dorm it says, "This boys dorm funded with African Equity" One of Weston and Violet's goals is for their orphanage to no longer need support, but be able to sustain themselves. Their hope is that they will be able to fund future wheat crops out of the wheat they produce, so that this initial gift will set in motion a business through which they can continue keep the orphanage going.

The funds will be tax deductible through "Heroes of the Nation" a 501(c)3 organization that supports the orphanage. You can give us checks made out to "Heroes of the Nation" or alternatively you can mail a check to:

Heroes of the Nation
PO Box 720520
Redding, CA 96099

If checks are sent directly to HTN, designate it for the ‘wheat project’.

Heroes of the Nation is committed to getting 100% of designated funds to Kenya. No amount of your donation will be used for USA admin costs.   You may call Sarah Larsen - info@htn.org or 877--866-4376. Also feel free to check Weston's references from Bethel church in Redding. Bethel has been a major sponsor of this effort.

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