Nov 2

Yesterday seemed like a failure. But it wasn't. I was reminded of something important,  a life lesson while I was searching for our scripture of the week.

"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Sometimes I forget that, how much I need him. I am so desperately lost without him. And that's okay. I was never meant to be without him. Much the contrary, I was meant to be rooted in him, my very life flowing out from him. To be cut off is to be dead.

So today I am back on focus. The purpose of my life is not to make my children good people, not to keep a good house, not to make nutritious meals, nor even to be a contributing member of society. No, as good as those things are, "apart from me you can do nothing". My purpose is to flow out of my relationship with my Jesus. To bear good fruit in him.

I was reminded of this as I ate a  tasteless raspberry this morning. They were on sale at the store. I could not resist their loveliness, the large plump shiny red fruits seemed to beckon me from the aisle. Imagine my disappointment when I popped a beautiful berry into my mouth and experienced a tasteless pulp. Yuck.

This is me without Jesus. Worrying about all the stuff on the outside. Trying to spiff myself up and look good, while the whole time, there is no substance inside.  I'm learning to let Jesus grow the fruit in my life. Maybe it won't always look perfect and showy, but I know the end result will be sweet.
"If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit" Today, I'm gonna remain in him, there is no better place to be.

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Kayleena said…
So good! Thanks for sharing this :)
Unknown said…
I love that! It doesn't matter if the house is clean or if I can cook good meals, if it doesn't flow out of Christ it is tasteless and dead. Once again, thanks for sharing!
Bonte Rue said…
oh lizzy daz, very well said

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