Take a minute

When you are a mom of small children, people always tell you to stop and enjoy the moment because it goes by all too fast.

Sometimes, as you juggle children around the house, wondering if you will ever be able to pee in privacy again, you shrug off that advice.

It's easy for those sage bearers of wisdom to say, they don't have anybody trying to tackle their calves while they are talking on the phone.

So you try, but often times, life wins out. You spend your moments trying to do one stinkin thing that will last.

But, alas, as soon as you have de-Leggoed the floor so you could vacuum, someone has covered it with library books and spatulas.
Then you clean the kitchen, hoping for a sparkling spot in your home and bammo someone drops a dish bomb in there while you step out to feed the baby. Where did those come from?
So you think, perhaps you will spend some time cataloging memories and make a photo book. After 3 hours, somehow your work gets lost! AH!

You head to the laundry, devote the entire day to it. Fabulous, something that will last for minute. Until everyone takes a bath and puts their jammies on. Suddenly it's towels, work clothes and socks filling up that basket again. Really? Come on.
Somewhere in here it's easy to lose perspective. I love this picture because Joe is cute, but you have to look quick to see the vanishing Judah in the background. :)
It's easy to lose focus in all the excitement.

Everything seems covered in dirt. All the time.

So what I need to do if I'm honest, is have a little heart to heart with myself. What is my goal here?

If I talk to Jesus (and also read some really good books about mothering) I am reminded. It is all about relationship.
These precious people do grow so fast. What I want them to remember about me is that I always had time for them and loved to be with them.  It is such a blessing to be able to stay home and raise my boys. Today, I take time to appreciate this marvelous gift that I call home. It may not be impressive to the causual observer, but to me, it is a sanctuary. We decorate with dandelion bouqets and faux finish the walls in fingerprints. If ask me it couldn't be more beautiful it it was guilded with gold.
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
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