Nov 5th

Boys in baseball jams is a cause for pictures around here.

This guy is a sweetie pie. If he threatens to punch you, spit on you, or pee his pants if you spank him, don't worry. He will be smiling at you and giving you kisses before you know it.

I think Joe was either like a deer in the headlights with the flash, or he was really working hard to hold his baby brother while getting that smile just right.


Highlight of the day : When Titus went to carry Joe and Judah up to bed, there was a small dilemma, Judah wanted to take a small Lego airplane up to bed, but Titus's hands were full with a boy thrown over each shoulder. His solution was to tuck the Lego plane into the rear of Joe's Jammies. This was met with uproarious laughter from both boys. What can I say, entertainment is cheep around here?

And at the end of the day there is nothing quite like brotherly love.
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