10 Reasons I love Breastfeeding

10 Reasons I love breastfeeding.

1) Snuggles - Well, if you are a touch love language person like me, what could be better than a wee little bundle of wonder, happily snuggled up beside you at regular intervals day and night.

2) Adoration -  It ensures you will be someone's favorite person, which is pretty fun.

3) Magical Powers - You may try everything to calm a fussy baby, walking, swaying, swaddling, bouncing, sucking, singing, bath time, herbal tablets, but nothing can compare to the magical power of the boob to instantaneously quiet a wee babe.

4) Save money- Have you seen the price of formula? Incredible. It is more costly than fine wine. And personally, I would rather have the fine wine.

5) It's easy! (if painful and traumatic for the first 6 weeks or so). After you get things figured out it is so simple. No shopping for formula and bottles, no middle of the night mixing and trying to get the water the right temp. No making sure you remember everything to feed the baby if you go out. You always have everything you need. (as long as you are getting enough calories, which brings me to my next point....)

6) Eating - 500 extra calories a day, yup, count em'. That equals out to a pretty big bowl of ice cream.

7)  Immunity - It's good for baby, getting all those natural antibodies.

8) No Dishes - For the lazy ones among us, doing dishes is the blight of motherhood. Breastfeeding eliminates bottles, plastic nipples and those funny little bristle brushes you have to use to get the encrusted / moldy milk out of forgotten bottles.

9) Scare people - There is no faster way to get rid of an unwanted door-to-door salesman or Jehovah's Witness than showing up to the door with a baby on your boob.

10) Education - What a great lesson for little children who are so mesmerized at what you are doing with the baby under that blanket. I remember back when Joe was a baby. My 3 year old nephew asked what Joe was doing under the blanket. I answered that he was eating. My nephew had to check it out so he ran over and lifted the blanket before exclaiming loudly to the family, "He's eating an apple!"  

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Kayleena said…
#9 is my favorite :)

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