
The other day Judah got a spank. He was crying out about how it hurt him. He said, "It hurts worse than," and here I could tell he was wracking his brain for the most painful thing he could think of before he continued, "It hurts worse than a nap!"

Well, there you have it.

Every day, every stinkin day, I have a moment where I feel so completely unqualified, unworthy and incompetent at being a mother. And every day, every single blessed day, I have a moment where I thank God for the amazing privilege he has given me of raising these three incredible sons. And in between these two moments there are infinite seas of grace that I live in glad just to be making it through each precious/exhausting day.

My squish is pretty much the joy of my heart right now. I can't help it. I love him. He is small. He is gooey. He smiles. He does not argue. He coos. He's soft and he can't stop me when I pet him. He can't resist snuggles. He eats food he doesn't even like, shuttering, and then smiles at me. (He's not such a big fan of avocados or brown rice mixed with banana, which I thought he would like, but no. He's into the squash and applesauce.) He is just a smoochy, happy, lovable baby with extremely funny looking hair. (which is almost invisible to the naked eye)

Joe is growing up and I don't think I can handle it. He is all about being big now, not into childish stuff (like cowboys). The latest thing I have caught him doing is sitting down for dinner and then his little friends came sit next to him (Joe is usually one of the oldest). When he is surrounded by the younger kids he will make a Houdini like escape under the table to try to come sit by the adults. Now that he;s 6 and all.
Heaven help me! Change is so hard for me but I know I'm going to have to start changing some of the ways I've related to my biggest little man. Well, there is nothing like mothering to keep you learning.


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