
Tonight as I was tucking Judah into bed Joe called out to me, "Mom, I have to tell you something." When I came over to his bed he whispered to me, "Me and Judah and dad tucked our flammy." At first I was concerned, thinking this might be a reference to some kind of bodily function. I asked him to repeat himself. Still it was something about the "flammy". After asking him to repeat himself again I realized what he was trying to say was, "Me and Judah and dad protect our family."
"Yes you do." I answered then added, "and God protects all of us."
When I closed the door Joe called one last nugget of wisdom, "And cowboys, too!"


When we were going to the bank to deposit funds, Joe was asking about money and where we get it. I said that people get it in a number of ways, through working, from our parents, as an inheritance, and because God blesses us with it. After thinking for a moment Joe asked, "Does God take it from pirates and give it to us?" He certainly could. That's one take on Prov 13:22 "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous." :)

It sure is great to have some encouragement when you are trying to get in shape. Today as I was doing pilates Joe stood in front of me and shouted, "You are getting stronger, mom! I can see it!"


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