Yoga and Police Lights

Yoga is not helpful for relaxation if you get pulled over by a cop on your way to class. This is especially true if it is your first time ever being pulled over by a cop. Also it doesn't help if you get a ticket for $674.00 in U.S. Funds.

It is the age old problem of going to yoga class. If you are running late, you have to hurry. If you hurry, you might do a rolling stop at a stop sign, instead of the 2 second stop that you learned in drivers ed. If you do that rolling stop, a patrolling cop car may pull you over and ruin your previously untarnished reputation for traffic safety. This may deflate your ego, embarrass you in front of your family, and cause you to cry tears of humiliation in your front yard. Ultimately you will miss your class anyway, increase your insurance bill, and limit your chances of ever having leftover money to go to the spa. So, basically, the moral of the story is that yoga, while touted for relaxation, is actually a stress inducing activity.

The highlight of the whole experience was that the police officer called me "loopy" and repeatedly asked me if I had had anything to drink or done drugs. After asking me the second time he made me get out of the vehicle and do some special exercises to prove my innocence. While I was ruminating on the ridiculousness of the situation he again inquired into my sobriety. He finally asked me why I was being so "loopy" if I was not under the influence. My response, "I am the mother of toddlers. I am always this way."

Of course, I don't think of myself as loopy. If you asked me to list 1000 adjectives describing myself, loopy wouldn't have made the list. I have no idea why the officer chose to degrade me in this manner. Perhaps I am a most suspicious character. Maybe I am loopy and have been so for years. Maybe none of my friends or family were willing to ask the obvious, "Elizabeth, why do you seem so loopy all the time?" If they would have only brought it up, I wouldn't have been so dumbfounded by Officer Matthew tonight. Maybe then I would have had the foresight to argue my innocence.

I did figure out why I was so peeved (I mean in addition to missing my yoga class and the $674.00 fine). I felt a similar sense of pain when I got my first bee sting at age 16. Not the pain of the sting, the pain of a blighted perfect record. I guess this is a good thing for a perfectionist, to come to terms with imperfection. It is yet another opportunity for me to depend on my savior for redemption. Thankfully, He still loves me, even if I do act 'loopy' when confronted by a police officer.

(P.S. Concerned friends, do not be too sad for me, $550 of the bill was for not having my current proof of insurance. He said if I bring it in they will drop that part of the bill. )

End note:
Loopy definition 2b
befuddled or confused, esp. due to intoxication
( I guess I was befuddled because I had never been pulled over before. I should have stated that, then maybe I could have gotten off with a warning. Not likely, but a girl can dream.)

(P.S.S. The worst thing about this whole thing is the police officer hatred that stirred within my bosom. I knew he was just doing his job. According to the letter of the law I was guilty. I rolled to an almost stop, but technically, I "failed to stop at a stop sign". I knew I had it coming. Yet, I bet this very own officer had done such a thing. I have ridden with enough of you to know that I am not the only one to perform such a violation. ARG. Anyhow, that was beside the point. There is a law and I broke it, technically. But I still find myself angry with the officer who called me loopy. I want to love him. I want to thank him for risking his life to make our community a safe place. Really, I do. Yet, I find myself so pissed. Poor Officer Matthew, even if he was completely off base, he was doing his job and he deserves my thanks. I am not an ungrateful citizen, merely a dejected one. )

(P.S.S.S. I promise I am finished with my cathartic rambling now!)


Kendra said…
That's the pits! Were Joe & Judah in the car? Next time you'll have to tell them to start crying or something...second thought, hopefully there won't be a next time

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