Happy Mothers Day to my Mom Friends

Dear Friend,
If we only had a minute there is one thing I would like to tell you. You are amazing, spectacular in fact. When I look at you I am astounded by your beauty, I am touched by the depth of your commitment and generosity. What you do everyday for your kids and your family humbles me as a witness. To give yourself so freely, pour out your life so selflessly, is a truly beautiful thing. 

 I wanted to tell you this because I think sometimes you don't see it. You feel like you are drowning in the dishes, the laundry and the meal planning. Sometimes when you are in the trenches you miss the beauty in the rhythms of grace that make up your days.

Somewhere beneath the snot crust on your sweater lies a heart that beats with a passion so strong that it compels you. Sometimes you think you're fueled by Starbucks, but I know the truth. The real stuff - that gets you out of bed every night at 2 am - is something much stronger. This force that moves you is nothing less than the most powerful one on earth : love. Day after day, night after sleepless night, it keeps you going.

You can never have enough encouragement because what you are doing is more than significant. You are impacting the destiny of nations. You give yourself completely for a future you do not control. You risk big, you give much and you suffer long. You inspire me each day.

Thank you for being you. You are precisely the type of mom that makes this world such a wonderful place. I am honored to have you as a friend.

Please don't give up. Please don't discount your value because of the spots you've messed up. Please keep being courageous and living bravely because you inspire me to do the same. 

Happy Mothers Day
There's no one else I would rather be in the trenches with. 
I love you. 


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