Tot's A lot

Not so much be seen as to listen.
Today I laughed.
I felt happy, anxious, tired, uncomfortable and glad. I felt confident and unsure. Disappointed and delighted. 
So much for just one day.
The soft skin of baby is delectable. Sometines I can't  believe she's mine.
A toddler, red faced, with snot on his nose and goggles around his head holds the power to bring such joy. Bless him for thinking the bungee cord could circle my waist as it did his.
Fights with a boy inclined toward his own wishes do not end easily. Perhaps it's not his heart alone that fails to yeild. Then there is the one who always helps, gliding  awkwardly into boyhood's firm embrace. 
These days cause one to stop in wonder. Precious days these are, mine.


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