Keeper of the Faith.

The funny thing about this mom is that she does something extraordinary every day and most of us will never even notice.  What she battles over in her soul, sometimes into the wee hours of the night, she does not often share in public. That is one of the things I admire about her.

What she is fighting is not a battle we can see, for she knows that the weapons of her warfare are not of this world, but powerful through God for the tearing down of strongholds. (2 Cor 10:4). She is fighting the good fight of faith, standing in hope for something she does not yet see.

She is believing something about her marriage and her husband that she cannot yet see. She is believing for a miracle. She is believing for restored relationship. She is believing that one day her husband will come to see himself the way that God does, that he will know he is loved, that he will step into the role that he was created for.

When she could publicly bash her man for all the ways he fails, she doesn't.  When she could back out of her promise because the battle seems too hard or the way seems too lonely, she keeps on going.

I falter as I try to convey my feelings about her. It hurts to see the pain that she has suffered. To love is to risk and she has loved and risked much. She has placed her life in the hands of Jesus, saying to him, not my will, but yours be done. She has trusted when she wanted to give up. She has preserved when she wanted to run and hide. She has given it all to stand in faith for her family. I stand with her in believing for that miracle and I want her to know that she is my hero.


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