There's this mom... (Momspirations )

There is this mom and she is my hero. It's not what you think. She hasn't jumped in front of a train or out of a burning building to save her child, but I don't doubt that she would.

In fact, her heroics go largely unnoticed by the world. She gives her time, energy and love to her children every day, even on the days when she barely feels like she has enough for herself.

She makes time for special moments with her kids even when she is exhausted from a full day of cleaning, working, running errands and schooling the children. Her family is, and always has been, her first priority on this earth. 

She has always been an example to me of what it means to trust Jesus. I'm so proud of her because she decided to homeschool her children, even though it was never something she wanted to do. She did it anyway because she knew that was what her kids needed.

I honor her because she is honest about questions she has as a mom. She does not pretend to be something she is not. With her own kids she is open about her past failures and seeks to share what she has learned in her journey with God.

I am inspired by her because she is not one to give up easily when something is important to her. From putting herself through school, to overcoming various work challenges, to setting an example of what it means to love through the tough times, she has persevered.

She is selfless, generous and gracious. She is thoughtful and gives the best gifts. She is beautiful inside and out. She is theworld's  best auntie and one heck of a Zumba dancer to boot.

Here's my 1st mom shout out to one amazing lady. 


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