Things I am learning

1. Never underestimate the power of a sunset. Tomorrow will be here, "Fresh with no mistakes in it."

2. Sometimes there is nothing like God's green earth to set your mind right. Nothing can repel a spell of grouchiness like a little bit of fresh air and a green vista.
3. Believe in yourself. Everyone may have little hope for you setting out for the first time with your spiderman fishing pole. But if you see yourself as a true fisherman, you may defy the odds and actually become what you imagine.

4. It just makes life a lot better if you have a giant squash on hand. Don't ask me why this is, but it's true.

5. And everything is better with a Hug :

6. The cutest targets for photo practice are also the most wiggly.

7. The view is more satisfying when you are looking back on the obstacles you have overcome.

8. If you suspect the journey ahead may be challenging, you should make sure to bring an optimist with you:

9. I've heard it said that children smile 400 times a day compared to an adults 15. If you don't have a kid on hand to remind you to smile, you should borrow one.

10. I think this is the last picture I have of my daughter while she was alive. She is submerged in my belly beneath a purple gap maternity sweater covered in her brother's blond freshly-cut hair. Not how one imagines the last picture of their daughter alive might be. Life does not turn out how you expected, but somewhere in it all is a mysterious beauty that defies understanding.
Obviously, the mysterious beauty is not in the picture, I meant it's hidden out there in the great labyrinth of life. Go, now. Find it!

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