The Letter H

Today's post is brought to you by the letter H.

H for Hang in there. I was nearly undone, half way through this blog challenge. But decided my post, however small, could be made.

H for Hunting season. Today was opening day and I'm exhausted. Not that I'm a hunter. No, I'm not the person who goes off into the silence of the woods all day. I am the mom at home with 6 kids (we have an extra cousin for the occasion). Normally the weekends are recovery time from the busy weeks and my husbands help a lot with the household duties, but not during hunting season.

H for Honesty. Homeschooling is not always glamorous. There are weeks when not a lot that actually looks like school gets done. This week was one of those weeks.

H for Health. I got sick a week ago and that has been rough. It was some sort of triple threat of vomiting, a cold and UTI. Because of that, I have been off of coffee for 8 days now. That is a new record for me (as a mom of 5 children anyway) and I am feeling pretty tired. This has caused me to wonder if being dependent upon the wonder drug/health elixer/favorite cozy beverage is really a good thing. If I don't go back to coffee I will have to do less, I just don't have the energy.

H is for Happiness. Every year our church ladies group talks about asking God to give us our own word for the coming year. This year I felt the Lord tell me that my word was happiness. I kind of laughed at that because it made me think of a giant sign that hangs in our living room that says, "We tend to seek happiness, when happiness is actually a choice." I felt like God was saying that he was wanting to teach me to choose happiness through all circumstances this year. So I have been tired, I have been fighting sickness, I have had a crabby baby. But in the midst of all of these challenges I am completely happy. I am completely happy when everything around me may seem overwhelming and messy, because my ultimate state of being is, alive in Christ. His finished work at Calvary firmly grounds my soul in a hope that never disappoints. Whatever else I am, I am His and that is the very best H of all.


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