Family Ties

Okay, so I stole my title from a great and corny 80's show. But family ties are important.

One of the perks of homeschooling is family togetherness. Sometimes you get so much of it you even begin to forget that it's a perk.
Being together as a family is one of the best things about homeschooling. Growing up as a homeschooler, I could often tell other homeschoolers by the way the interacted with their family. There is something about being stuck together every day of every week that has the ability to cement family relationships into something special. 
In fact, this was something that made me sad, once upon a time, when I sent Joe to public school. I saw how his peer group began to change. He went from associating himself first with his family, to associating first with his friends at school. It's not surprising really, he spent nearly 8 hours a day at school, but it did bother me. His relationship with his little brother became more strained and distant during that time. 

That made me sad because those two had always had such a special relationship. It wasn't that a huge chasm was forming, It wasn't. It just as though big brother thought he was a little too cool for his little brother. He would make snarky comments or tease him like he hadn't done before. 

 Now, having my kids at home all the time has not turned them into saints. There is still teasing, name calling and fighting. A lot of fighting. But the difference is that at the end of the day they are each other's best friends, really and truly. 
And I love that. 
I love how the older siblings grow in compassion, 
caring for their younger siblings. 
Siblings will argue, they will have issues with each other. The thing that is special about homeschooling is children learn to work through their issues with one another. They can't just go find someone else to play with because these are the people they are stuck with. 
There is something beautiful in that consistency. Character and commitment can be forged, the beginnings of understanding of a love that lasts, 

It's not always easy, in fact it is impossible without the grace of God. It is only his love that allows us to love people when we are close enough to them to see all the imperfections. But it precisely this opportunity to live in the necessity of his grace daily that makes homeschooling such  a wonderful thing. 


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