Weapons of Mass Instruction

If you are looking for a book that will immediately inspire you to pull your kids out of public school, this would be a good place to start. I highly enjoyed this book, and the credibility of the author as long time public school teacher.

I wanted to peruse this book again but I can't find my copy. Being as excitable as I am about educating children,  I like to lend out the books I find inspiring to homeschoolers. So, yeah, this one is gone.  I was hoping to write some eloquent essay, summarizing the key points and creating a hunger within you for more, causing you to rush out to secure your own copy (because you can't borrow mine, unless you can find it first).

But let's be honest, I'm too tired for that anyway. If you want a good book review you can find one on Amazon. What I really wanted to tell you here is what inspired me about this book. That is the idea that people are unique, individual beings who are not wired to move through their day based on the sound of a bell going off every hour. Schools purport to educate students, but it is really as though their goal is to raise up a passive, malleable cohort of citizens who will be easy to manipulate by government & commercial interests.

Children learn best through teachers that care. Yet our current system does everything it can to tie the hands of truly excellent teachers. Some succeed in spite of the system, but they are the rarity. This book tells the story of one of them. It is great book to get you thinking, which, if you are going to be homeschooling your children, is a good thing to do.


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