The Stretch

"Perhaps in frustration, the high temperature and FAST STRETCH production secret was discovered."

Gore tex is a fascinating product that can be  used for everything to keeping outdoor enthusiasts dry to coating shovels for digging on the moon. When I first heard about it's design, I thought, gee that sounds familiar. The inventor was working with material, trying to formulate it. Then all of sudden grabbed a length of material and stretched it quickly. This completely changed the material he had been working with. Something about the fast stretch fundamentally altered the plastic, making it something all together unique.

Sometimes I feel like I am that material in the master's hands and the temperature seems to be heating up. Then, without warning, I feel like I am being stretched, yanked beyond the realm of what feels comfortable. I feel compelled to ask, is this necessary? Am I going to live through this pull?

Gore-tex is now a product used in hundreds of applications, some even life saving (It can be used as a replacement for human tissues because it is biocompatible and can withstand arterial pressure without leaking). Yet none of those uses would have been possible without the heat and the stretch.

When we feel the stretch of something uncomfortable in our lives, it is important to ask who is doing the stretching. If it is the Master craftsman at work, he may be crafting something more valuable than we could ever imagine.

The info I sighted about about Gore Tex was  found from the source listed below. It is a fascinating product.
"Gore Tex- An introduction to the Material and treatments" The American Institute for Conservation


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