The Best Thing

The best thing about my life right now is squishy baby snuggles, little cheeks that have to be mushed when the cuteness of a smiling face is more than I can bear.

It is also being needed continually by a toddler who isnt feeling well and wants to be held at the most inconvenient times (like when I'm in the middle of browning meat for dinner).  It is kissing her wild blonde hair after her unintelligible demands for snuggles are finally met.

It is watching my oldest son growing up and turning into a young man, applying himself with diligence to his studies, learning to read or play the piano. It is assigning him a task and realizing that he did about as good of a job as I would have. It is witnessing the kindness in the way he talks to his siblings and helps them throughout the day.

The best part about this season of life is having a four year old who walks in on me in the bathroom and says, 'Are you peeing, Mom?" and then just smiles real big when I answer in the affirmative. "Just checking."

It is listening to my eight year old discuss justice in the context of chores and wondering if he will be a lawyer one day. It is seeing how he delights in the baby and after returning home from a few days away couldn't wait to see and hold him.

It is feeling adored my husband of 15 years, in spite of all my of weakness and insufficiency. It is the privilege of  getting to do life with my best friend and biggest fan.

My favorite part of now, is that God's grace is always there. It is a stretching season of life and I suppose that one day I will realize that is the only kind of season there is when you walk with Jesus. But it's the kind of stretch that makes life exhilarating. It makes me hungry for more and filled to the brim,  not sure I can go on and yet unwilling to stop, all at the same time.

The best thing about life right now, is the best thing about always. Being loved, loving, and having bright hope for the future. So, even if last night was an up-all-night-with-vomit kind of night and my husband has been spending his weekends chasing animals, I can't complain.


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